“I know You Are, But What Am I?”

The Left calls out everyone they disagree with as racist. Since they all say it, they feel it must be true, therefore it must be said. Over, and over, and over, and over again and again and again. We live in a day where anything is truth if it is repeated loudly and often enough. When so many shout it loud, is it true, even if there is nothing to prove it is? Many think truth can be ginned up out of mere chants. But it cannot.

Joseph Mifsud Is A Man No One Seems To Want To Discuss

Joseph Mifsud seems to be at the center of how the Mueller investigation all got started, but no one is talking about him when questioned. Mueller’s answer was that he would not talk of him. Curious that no one involved in the investigation wants to discuss how this guy talked to someone, who talked to someone else, who talked to the FBI, and then the investigation began…but something makes them all clam up when asked about him. Cue the spooky music.

Former Baltimore Democrat Mayor Catherine Pugh Smelled The Rats

Former Baltimore Mayor, Democrat Catherine Pugh was filmed touring the run down areas of Baltimore and saying she could “smell the rats, and smell the dead animals.” Her solution for the devastated area was “What the hell? We should just take all this shit down.” Of course when Trump made similar comments, the liberal political world went ballistic and could not contain their selective outrage. The apparent new rule is that no one can comment on black politicians and their jurisdictions, except liberals and blacks.

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