Mueller Obfuscates To Elucidate, Fails Completely

Mueller might have thought his parting statement today was going to clear things up by telling both sides what they wanted to hear. He thought he was too clever by half and that he would dazzle everyone by having them walk away saying, “Oh, so what he meant was that all sides are correct in their own way!” Nonsense. It is clear he had no idea how to please everyone, and that he even tried, showed his incompetence in justifying his 22 months and 35 million dollars without delivering an intelligible final report. What a complete failure.

Has Famous Chef Found The Perfect Home Steak Machine?

A perfect sear is one of a steak lover’s top requirements, and to get that at home has been elusive, maybe until now, says one celebrity chef. John Tesar, of Knife, in Dallas, thinks he may have found the way today’s home chef can re-create the restaurant steak experience by using a German made grill called The Otto Grill.

Will John Durham’s Investigation Result In Anyone Being Punished?

Having been at work for almost two months already, many are asking if this new “investigation of the investigators” will result in anyone being punished for their crimes in Washington, or will “The Swamp” arrange for them, as usual in DC, to skate off into the sunset with nary a secret bank account or lobbying gig or CNN commentator job be ruffled out of place?

Strzok Knew Dossier Was “Demonstrably False Intelligence”

As the investigative focus turns from the disproven charges of “Trump/ Russia collusion”, the upper echelon of the DOJ and FBI are beginning to really sweat since it appears many of them were involved in a scheme to discredit the new elected president Trump with the intention of negating his victory.

Declassifying Of Deep State “Coup” Documents Coming?

President Trump has a trove of documents pertaining to the so-called “Deep State Coup d’etat”. He has shown amazing restraint in holding them close to his vest, many say to avoid the accusations of obstructing the Mueller Investigation, which has recently concluded. So, when will we know how damaging they are to the Swamp creatures?

The Constitution-Vs-Islam

The promotion of Islam and Sharia in the West is the top responsibility of Muslims living here. Sharia is to become the dominant arbiter of societal behavior according to their beliefs, and there is no compromising or half measures…it shall be done, no two ways about it. Assimilation is not even a consideration. The primary impediment for this process in America, is our Constitution.

Mexican Raid On Migrant Group Stops Formation Of New Ones

Caravan organizers in Honduras could hardly assemble a few hundred migrants when normally thousands would turn up to begin a new march. Chatter on social media warning that the Mexican government has started cracking down and arresting large groups within Mexico’s borders, seems to have had an immediate effect on numbers willing to push forward to America.

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